The H-IIB rocket is a fully expendablelaunchvehicle, with a liquid-oxygen fueled central core, and four solid-fuel boosters that surround the base.
Solid-propellant upper stages, planetary gravity assists, and expendablelaunchvehicles would subsequently replace the Shuttle-Centaur G-prime system in NASA's planetary mission plans.
He said one of his main goals was to make sure SpaceX can compete for the Evolved ExpendableLaunchVehicle (EELV) program.
The venture provides launch services to send U.S. military and intelligence satellites into space under the Evolved ExpendableLaunchVehicle (EELV) program.
Uso de elv em inglês
The ice broke up and the elv came over the fields and forest.
We are a long way over the elv.
The carriage stopped near the bridge; we stepped out, and close before us fell the whole redundant elv.
We pause in the dark forest, where the elv seems to collect within itself nature's whole deep gravity.
Lacksand lay on the other side of the dal-elv which the road now led us over for the third or fourth time.
It is far prettier to go up on the sloping bank along the elv, than to follow the straight high-road into the town.
Here the elv widens and rolls its billows majestically in a woodland landscape, as large and extended as if it were in North America.
The Dal-elv divides itself into three branches above the fall: the two enclose a wood-grown rocky island, and rush down round its smooth-worn stony wall.
ELVs enhance expression of pro-survival proteins in cells undergoing uncompensated oxidative stress.
Three of these ELVs can now be identified as astroviruses.
Since January of last year that's how an end-of-life vehicle (ELV) has been designated.
The elvs of the north have rushed and whirled along for thousands of years in unknown beauty.
And two, they do it at radically lower prices than what the other ELV costs would be.
The canal voyage through Sweden goes at first constantly upwards, through elvs and lakes, forests and rocky land.
ELVs were introduced to encourage attacking play but Kidney believes in some instances they have had the opposite effect.
Following years of discussions between the Department of the Environment and the motor industry, the ELV draft regulation was published recently.